Employees are required to report suspicious or improper behavior. If you know about something, you must report it. You should report any potential compliance issue promptly (when you first become aware of it). To ensure that our employees feel safe reporting potential compliance issues, SJH has a strict no retaliation/retribution policy. This policy states that you cannot and will not be punished for reporting compliance issues in good faith. Everyone should feel comfortable asking questions and reporting concerns about situations or practices that they believe could place themselves and/or SJH “at risk.” You can report an issue by calling the compliance hotline at 1-844-300-1079 or by visiting Stjosephshealth.ethicspoint.com.
Issues may be reported to:
•Your Supervisor or Manager
•The Hospital Compliance Officer of your facility
•The Compliance Hotline
Compliance Hotline: 1-844-300-1079
•You may report anonymously if you choose
• The Compliance Hotline is managed by an independent vendor
•A live person will answer your call 24/7
•Please provide as many details as possible